Looking for the latest and greatest going on around the Catholic Central campus? Well you have come to the right place. Here you will find updates and information about what is happening at Catholic Central.
Interested in Student Council - Read On!
As Catholic Central’s Student Council gets ready to kick off another great school year, I would like to open the club to new members. As a Student Council member you would be responsible for helping plan events, such as the pep rally, Homecoming Dance, Turnabout Dance, blood drives, and more, and will also act as a representative of the CCHS student body.
If you are interested in being an active member of Student Council and the Catholic Central student body, complete an application and turn it into Ms.Dosemagen by Friday, September 4th. The nomination form is included below and is also available in Ms.Dosemagen's classroom. It includes a brief essay on the role of Student Council and the applicant’s plan of involvement as well as signatures of classmates and teachers in support.
If you are interested in joining Student Council and would like more information, please contact Ms. Dosemagen to discuss it further.
Student Council Nomination Form
Student’s Name:________________________________
Current Grade: (Circle one) 9th 10th 11th
To apply for a Student Council position, complete the following form:
1. Please attach a 100 to 200 word essay on the role of the Student Council and its members and why you would like to join Student Council.
2. Please collect the signatures of 10 classmates and three teachers who will vouch for your character and work ethic.
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Teachers___________________ ___________________ _________________
Please return to Ms.Dosemagen by Friday, September 4th, 2015.
The Hilltoppers would like your Vote !!!
Please vote for CCHS to be seen on TV and then share with your friends and family.
It will be fun to watch the Hilltoppers on Channel 6.
Varsity Home Football Game This Friday!
CCHS Bleacher Seats For Sale!
- Friday August 21st--Varsity Game
- Friday September 11th--Varsity Game
- Friday October 2nd--Varsity Game
Introducing: iCanSwim Lakeland
Spiritwear Order Is Due This Friday
Reminder! Safeguarding Session Held at Topper Hall
Please register here. Along with registering for the session, this site will walk you through the necessary paperwork that needs to be completed in order to volunteer.